Mutant Division Website

Your Mutant Division is ready to strike!

20 December 2022


Welcome back, survivor! We have received your distress message by radio, thank God, we finally meet!

Now we have good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first? Well, the good news is, we are about to have a brand new camp, great soldiers, plenty of resources and lots of fellow mutants......

The bad news?

The bad news is that these things are in the future, and there are a lot of things that need to be done right now. You are the key to success.

Let's introduce our fellow mutantss!

"I call this one Gloss Squabbit. And why not?! Is it a squirrel? Is it a rabbit?
I was told they mate for life, and you often see them paired off so I think this may be true.
They seem friendly enough, timid and easily startled. I definitely see them out more at nightso my guess is they are nocturnal.
They are herbivores. It’s wonderful to see them leapingand gliding between trees. We had flying squirrels around when I was young;
I remember always being fascinated by them. Might explain why I have such a curiosity about these creatures.When frightened, they
use their wings to make a sort of cyclone effect, creating dust clouds that make it very difficult to see or move. Hard to get at them when
this happens.
"I call these Pricklers, for obvious reasons. They are curious hybrids of what appear to be a weasel and a porcupine. Close to 6 meters
in length, they stay low to the ground and move with frightening speed. They are carnivorous. They seem to have more in common with
genus Mustela (weasels) thanErethizon (porcupine) based on their body proportions and ambulation.
Ok, that is enough!
Your supplies are ready, your Mutant Division is ready to strike!